Shooting in Kenosha
Update: 3 people shot, 2 dead. Rifleman is charged with first degree murder.
Multiple people shot in Kenosha. Thanks to some absurdly brave citizen journalists, we have video footage from three different angles (and obviously, this is very graphic). It appears to have started at a car lot. At the 3:58:50 mark, you can see the rifleman sprinting away from a shirtless man who is chasing him. Shirtless man gets shot. Rifleman stays near the shooting victim while someone else administers aid and sounds like he calls the police, but he bolts right as a crowd advances on him. The next angle is downright cinematic, and props to the journalist. Rifleman is running down the street and a crowd is chasing and yelling to stop him because he just shot someone. Rifleman trips, and he's advanced upon by at least three different people, and it looks like he shot all of them. One of which received a severe wound to his arm and can be seen carrying a Glock.
So, I'm trying not to fall prey to the availability heuristic. I see a random video on Twitter of some carnage, and I draw baseless extrapolation. But it's so hard to keep perspective because this year has been so fucking nuts, objectively speaking.
I'll just do a legal analysis instead. This incident appears to be clear self-defense to me, even though one person ended up shooting at least 4 people. The initial incident in the car lot showed him running away from someone before shooting them, and then immediately staying on the scene before (wisely) leaving. Similarly when he's running down the street and he gets hit and ends up on the ground as several people are advancing upon him, including one carrying a pistol. Watching footage of Portland, I am completely baffled as to the number of people getting beaten senseless and not carrying guns. I'm firmly on BLM's side policy-wise, but there's no fucking way I leave my house not strapped because I have zero confidence in the target acquisition of anyone who is engaging in violence within this milieu.
Still, I say there's a high likelihood he'll face serious criminal charges because not prosecuting him would likely spur on further rioting. Those decisions are inevitably political.