The Bailey Podcast E002: Modern Architecture, Disney Movies, Harberger Taxes
In this episode, we discuss the political aesthetics of modern architecture, Jordan Peterson’s beef with recent Disney movies, and super nerdy shit in the form of Harberger taxes.
Participants: Yassine, NinetyThree, McMuster, LetsBeCivilized, & Mupetblast
Modern Architecture is 🤢:
Why You Hate Contemporary Architecture (Current Affairs)
How Buildings Learn (Stewart Brand)
My Illegal Neighborhood (City Commentary)
Japanese Zoning (Urban Kchoze)
Disney movies:
Why Jordan Peterson Thinks Frozen Is Propaganda, But Sleeping Beauty Is Genius (Time)
Frozen original ending revealed for first time (EW)
Harberger Taxes:
Property Is Only Another Name For Monopoly (Chicago Unbound)
Fine Grain Futarchy Zoning Via Harberger Taxes (Overcoming Bias)
Georgism (Wikipedia)
Recorded 2019-07-12
Uploaded 2019-07-15
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