Having followed Taibbi, I know his stance on things like India and other issues when it comes to his reporting is "my stance doesn't matter, the facts of my reporting do". I wish he would have focused on this principle more, but he is also a terrible debater and i think caught off guard by the aggressiveness of Hasan when willing to be open for critique.

An unfortunate outcome for sure:(.

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You're saying that Taibbi is open for critique? The thing I can't understand and that Taibbi refuses to explain is why he explicitly asked to be invited to talk about India and then refuse to talk about India. My only explanation is that it was a bluff he thought he could evade.

Regarding his stance, it's fine to say that it doesn't matter and that the reporting speaks for itself, but I don't believe it's possible to be that agnostic. He has to choose what to cover and how, and he wasn't a robot just spitting out the facts with the Twitter Files. He had to have a framework of what to avoid and what to address, and that's not possible without some sort of stance. Wouldn't his reporting have changed if he actually *liked* government censorship?

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I agree, with basically everything here but with one minor bit about the inciting incident. I don't think Matt wanted to go on to debate India, he wanted to go on to talk about why he didn't have a public statement about India, which is what Mehdi had criticized him for. How that distinction and what I said in my first comment didn't actually seem to manifest from Taibbi's mouth is a real mystery to me, because I've seen him express the idea many times before.

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Agree with everything you say here, and particularly the point about Taibbi not being very good at this type of debating. The same thing happened to him a year or two ago on Bill Maher's show, and he acknowledged it the time. I also want to make clear that I don't believe not having this skill is some sort of character flaw, and it doesn't make me question the rest of the work (though I could understand why it could cause others to, particularly if they are less familiar with his work).

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Taibbi did address the India bit somewhat in his podcast (https://www.racket.news/p/episode-33-america-this-week-with#details). If you're interested I could transcribe the relevant sections, though it sounded like it mostly came down to "I don't want to talk about Elon and the India issue is a distraction from the topic at hand". Involvement with American authorities and the fact that the network used to have him as a regular guest and now treat him in a more hostile manner appear to be the key motivations here.

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As a note, before pulling out of China, Google owned a significant amount of Baidu stock, which drastically increased in value after their exit. http://www.china.org.cn/english/BAT/98325.htm#:~:text=According%20to%20US%20reports%2C%20Google,the%20biggest%20shareholders%20in%20Baidu.

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Oh interesting, that's important context.

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I am kind of not surprised that Taibbi has nothing to say about India. Not to sound too reductive, but Matt Taibbi is the absolute inverse of the patriotic American. He is narrowly focused on the bad things his country does. He’s of the Chomsky-style left; he doesn’t have anything to say about the bad things other countries do. America is the source of everything bad in the world and is the centre of all evil.

Why would I have anything to say about India when America is the font of all I’ll?

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I read that the Twitter blocking Substack thing was because of Substack’s move to explore creating a Twitter competitor for chat, Notes.

This is the danger with companies spreading horizontally: they inevitably can create problems for existing businesses. I’m not sure there’s a good out here for Taibbi, since his Twitter work has helped his Substack work. It also seems less and less likely to me in recent months that anyone on Substack is actually a hero of free speech and the free press, including the press formerly known as Common Sense.

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I don't run an international social media company, and I am not a journalist, either. My impression of Musk is that he is trying hard not to break /every/thing while he & his people try to find a model that's less socially damaging and could even possibly someday make money. They're picking their battles along the way, with (I assume) a lot of competing priorities that are difficult to reconcile in every moment. My impression of Taibbi's journalism is that he writes his conclusions colorfully but grounds them in obsessively factual research. Of course I have no idea of the reason he decided to go on that show, but not knowing enough to have an opinion is okay by me. He is writing about lots of other stuff lately; he is not obliged to focus forever on the ins and outs of the blue bird sideshow.

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